Monday, April 11, 2011


Confused me at first because of the date but this article apparently starts off with a historical reference. This is a tale of an encounter, I presume, by William Davis of Ginninderra (Weetangara) with bushrangers as he was returning from a visit to Sydney. I put the story from around 1865 about the time that Ben Hall and his accomplice John Dunn were roaming the area. The 1910 article goes on to relate info for the local cricket club and lament the regions 1910 woes with alcohol...

Queanbeyan Age - 2 September 1910

National Library of Australia

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  1. Good image of a cap & ball colt. Many years ago I used to carry one of these up in the Territory. A lovely gun to use. These guns took a while to reload, so one often sees images of Bushrangers carrying several of these single action revolvers in their belt. The alternative was to carry spare cylenders already loaded so you could swop the spent one for a new one, but it still took a little time. Always a good idea to carry more than one.
    Good post, thank you.

  2. Thanks Keith!

    Keith is the man for info about 18th and 19th century firearms and has shared his knowledge on a previous post about settlers flintlock weapons.

  3. This robbery was on the 6th March 1865 at Geary's Gap you can see more of this Ben Hall history in my Documentary on Youtube "Ben Hall Bushranger.
    Mark Matthews

  4. Hey Mark, post again with the link :)

  5. Hi Dave, here's the link, enjoy, nice to see there is still interest in our history, Merry Christmas.


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