Sunday, March 25, 2012


The picture above was taken when I first set a trail camera at Shanahan's Mountain two weeks ago. Using me for scale it shows a small area beside a well worn Wallaby track. I have discovered the pathway sees a lot of activity with one small patch of particular interest to multiple wallabies located near where the time and date stamp is.

All up over two weeks the camera recorded 180 photos and 10 second videos day and night. A lot were of heads, backs and tails just in frame and some were activation by tree movement or shadows I imagine. I wished I had angled the camera down more towards the track. Still learning...

The video below is a compilation of the best videos (10 seconds each). I left them in the order they were collected so you can follow the dates and times. Three species as far as I can tell... Lots of Red Necked Wallabies, A few Eastern Grey Kangaroos hopping through the background and what I think is a Black Wallaby but I could be wrong. Walleroo? Anyway I think its a bit of a highway...


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  1. Excellent Dave! I have to admit you’ve given me the bug. I’ve never owned a trial cam, but I just broke down and bought one. They have come a long way from earlier versions I have seen. The weather has been so crummy lately I haven’t bothered to put it out yet. Both raining and snowing today. The one I have can be programmed to take either still photos or video, but not both at the same time. At least I haven’t found a way to do that yet if it is possible at all. I think I’ll set it up in my back yard first just to get an idea of how high or low to position it to get the best possible results. I’ll get a lot of pics of my chickens, but they are readily available to experiment with. :)

    1. Thanks... Its good fun Bob. I'm thinking of setting up next to where I saw some feral pigs a few weeks ago. Still learning mate. I think the trick is to get the angle downwards right. If I had angled the camera down more towards the trail the Walllabies would have been captured better. Good luck testing. I look forward to seeing the results :)

    2. Dave, it wasn’t raining this afternoon so I did set the trail cam up in the backyard. Strapped it to a clothes line pole. The directions say to set it about 3 feet off the ground, but I dropped that to 2 feet. I think I guessed about right. As expected I got several still shots of my chickens. The originals were plenty big enough to allow for cropping and other editing. Next time I’ll try the video setting. If wildlife photography can be called “hunting with a camera”, then setting a trail camera might be compared to setting a trap. I anticipate having a lot of fun with this. I can take stills or video of deer practically any time, but I’m more interested in the predators like bobcat, fox, coyote, cougar, and bears when they come out of hibernation, which should be pretty soon now.

    3. What a great array of critters you have over there Bob... The closest I can come to here is pigs and wild dogs. I do hope you publish any results. I love this stuff.

    4. No wild pigs locally where I live Dave; and certainly no kangaroos or wallabies. Plenty of dogs, but they’re far from wild. :) I hate to read about 1080 being used over there. So many non-target animals die as a result. Nasty stuff.

    5. Agree mate... I worry about the quolls mostly. But what to do about the dogs? I can't see any other way really around here.


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