Friday, July 31, 2015

Plea to the King to allow Aboriginal kids go to school

One of the most powerful historical documents I've found originated from the aunty of a mate of mine. Written in 1926 it is an impassioned plea to the King of England to allow Aboriginal and half-caste children permission to attend the Batemans Bay Public School.

Interestingly the letter was officially unacknowledged. Best left for your own interpretation.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Frying Pan's Theology

Frying Pan's Theology

Scene: On Monaro.
Dramatis Personae:
Shock headed blackfellow,
Boy (on a pony).
Snowflakes are falling
So gentle and slow,
Youngster says, 'Frying Pan,
What makes it snow?'
Frying Pan confident
Makes the reply--
'Skake 'im big flourbag
Up in the sky!'
'What if there's miles of it!
Surely that's brag.
Who is there strong enough
Shake such a bag?'
'What parson tellin' you,
Ole Mister Dodd,
Tell you in Sunday-school?
Big feller God!
He drive 'im bullock dray,
Then thunder go,
He shake 'im flour bag--
Tumble down snow!'

Banjo Patterson

Think about that... I had decided to finish with this blog because I had exhausted the historical research the blog was started to accomplish. A recent reading of a 19th century Australian poem has reignited a desire to publish a few thoughts on,  amongst other things, some indigenous themes in relation to the truthful but largely ignored history of European Invasion.

I have a few themes that seem to haunt me and deserve airing I think. This blog regardless of me stopping posting, after 5 years, still recieves thousands of visitors a month and is a platform for some expression I shouldn't ignore.

So Dave's back just there wont be much ACT. Hopefully I'll help, at least, start a conversation.


History lost through lack of funding

  The following ABC article laments the possible loss of many historical audio visual records that are waiting for digitising into modern fo...