Friday, April 30, 2021

History lost through lack of funding


The following ABC article laments the possible loss of many historical audio visual records that are waiting for digitising into modern formats thus preserving them for future generations. Put simply the situation could be relieved by more funding. These records have possibly only a 10 year window to complete the task before deterioration sees them lost.

Sunday, March 21, 2021

A new decade new directions

Published from Blogger Prime Android App

Hello. It's been a while. I'm still adjusting to 2021 slowly moving back into the internet mindset. There are nearly 700 posts on this blog and although I haven't posted much in a while still gets a couple of hundred visitors a day who, I hope, find the information I present interesting or useful. As the weather cools I intend to get out and about more with a view to creating content for this old blog.

Also as dipping my toe into the podcasting pool I have decided to develop some of the posts on this blog I have researched over the past 10 years into audio podcasts. It is a learning curve but I have posted a first episode today entitled "Onyong - the "last of the wild blacks". My podcast Channel 'Reid Report' can be found here.

I will probably be more eclectic in my online content from here on in. I may revisit some older posts on this blog, reworking some and developing some into podcasts. At the moment the east coast of Australia is getting a drenching. A far cry from the long drought of previous years. If you get a chance call in and give my podcast a listen. 

Cheers Dave

History lost through lack of funding

  The following ABC article laments the possible loss of many historical audio visual records that are waiting for digitising into modern fo...